Dwyane "The Rock" Johnson turned an incredible WWE career into becoming Hollywood's highest-paid actor.His influence and popularity is rivaled by few, with The Rock becoming a household name back when he was still delivering People's Elbows. He's only expanded his brand further since transitioning to Hollywood. GQ magazine profield The Rock, and once again he discussed his potential plans at taking a shot at becoming president of the United States in 2020. It's sounding more and more likely it's possible, and social media has gone bonkers since the awesome article dropped. The extensive profile, written by GQ's Caity Weaver and well worth a read, delves into the incredible day-to-day life of Johnson. He's enjoying an extravagant life, filming an endless stream of Hollywood blockbusters and reaping all of the benefits that come with it. Weaver poses the question to him if he'd really give all of that up to run for president, and his response is quite telling. “I think that it's a real possibility,” Johnson said. The interview has made its rounds across the Internet, and social media is on absolute fire over the possibility:

Some of the tweets are downright brilliant, playing off of his WWE history and making for some legitimately hilarious jokes:

There's also this very serious question that needs answering:

It's all fun and games for now, but The Rock was very forthcoming about what he's been thinking about regarding becoming The People's President.

“I feel like I'm in a position now where my word carries a lot of weight and influence, which of course is why they want the endorsement. But I also have a tremendous amount of respect for the process and felt like if I did share my political views publicly, a few things would happen

And these are all conversations I have with myself, in the gym at four o'clock in the morning—I felt like it would either (a) make people unhappy with the thought of whatever my political view was. And, also, it might sway an opinion, which I didn't want to do.”

It's fun to think about, but Johnson would definitely be sacrificing a great deal if he's serious about running for president. He's one of the most globally recognized celebrities and has the world in the palm of his hand. 

If he does run, it's easy to see why there's already such a huge clamoring for The People's President to be a real thing. We'll  just have to wait and see what happens leading up to the 2020 election.