It seems as though money is everything as if you haven’t heard already, Prince William has been voted as sexiest bald man.

I’m sorry… WHAT?!

You’re telling me that a man who looks older than he actually is, is much sexier than Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson?

I don’t know about you guys, but I am fuming.

If there is some consolation, Mike Tyson was second with 8.8m votes in comparison to His Royal Highness’ 17.6m. Okay I want what those 17.6m people have been drinking.

Michael Jordan was fifth with 5.3m, Floyd Mayweather was sixth with 4.3m and our Lord and saviour The Rock was ninth with 2.6m.

I am not the only one who was insulted by this, as The Rock tweeted: “How in the cinnamon toast f*ck does this happen - when Larry David clearly has a pulse?!?! #demandingrecount”


Elsewhere in the top 10 was Jason Statham (third), Pitbull (fourth), John Travolta (seventh), Bruce Willis (eighth) and Vin Diesel (10th).

This study was conducted by Longevita, which is a cosmetic surgery specialist. Longevita’s spokesperson has claimed: “There are quite a few bald public figures we can feast our eyes on.”

Steve Jones, 43 from Hastings, is a bald man, and while interviewed by The Sun, was quoted as saying: “I’ve been bald since I was in my early 30s and I must admit as soon as I lost my hair I suddenly became irresistible to the opposite sex.

“It wasn’t something I was expecting, but women do seem to love a slaphead.”


What a beautiful, eloquent description by Mr.Jones.

It appears that there is lots of hope for all bald men or thin haired men.

Although, I would advise to not go for the Tyson face tattoo as that might not come off as well for us regular folk as it does with the former world heavyweight boxing champion.

I do feel as though a recount is required. What do you think?