We live in a world where footballers' stats are available to us at the click of a button.In a matter of seconds, anyone with access to a laptop, tablet or a phone can find out the number of goals Lionel Messi has scored throughout the course of his amazing career.But one fan of the Argentine superstar doesn't like to rely on the internet when it comes to stats about the six-time Ballon d'Or winner.Don Hernan, a 100-year-old Argentinian man who's become a bit of a Tik-Tok sensation thanks to his grandson Julian, has been writing down every Messi goal since the 34-year-old started his footballing journey.If he has to miss a game featuring his favourite player, Hernan simply calls Julian to find out whether Messi scored, so he can add the goal to his book if necessary.It's a brilliant story and after Argentina's triumph at the 2021 Copa America, Messi recorded a video message for his number one fan.

Messi's video message

"Hello Hernan. Your story reached me," Argentina's record goalscorer said.

"It seems crazy to me that you have been recording my goals and in that way, and that is why I wanted to send you a big hug and thank you for what you do, for all your follow-up work."

Hernan was then shown the message from Messi by his grandson and things got a little bit emotional.

Hernan is shown his message from Messi

A teary-eyed Hernan said: "I always followed you and I will follow you. Until the end, I will walk behind you."

What a beautiful interaction.

Hernan was able to add four more goals to his book during the 2021 Copa America, with Messi finishing the tournament as the leading scorer.

The Barcelona star also contributed five assists, which was also the most of any player at the South American festival of football.

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