Adam Joseph Copeland, or Edge as most people probably know him, has been one of the biggest names in professional wrestling for over 25 years now.But long before he ever signed his first professional contract with the World Wrestling Federation (now WWE), Edge was desperately trying to work his way into that world through any means necessary.This included seizing an opportunity that came his way to ask WWE legend, Bret Hart, a question during a talk show interview in 1992.Edge managed to get a seat in the crowd alongside his wrestling compatriot, Joe E. Legend, and they were both offered the chance to ask Bret Hart a question.But there was only one thing that both wrestlers were interested in finding out from the WWE superstar, how to get into the World Wrestling Federation.Bret offered them both a small amount of advice which included telling them to get themselves as many matches as possible and to get on television if they could, but overall he admitted he probably wasn't the best person to ask.p1fimolphe1tck1n8tji911f419inb.jpgEnter GiveawayMoments like this from early on in a sportsman's career are usually never seen by the public, so it's incredible for fans to have the opportunity to see a clip like this.It shows that Edge was just the same as many others hoping to get into the world of professional sports, a young man with a dream. Of course, knowing now what that young man went on to achieve in his career makes the clip even more incredible.It took another five years of hard work after the interview before Edge was offered a developmental deal with WWE in 1997, but he went on to make his televised debut with the company just one year later.

Skip forward one more year, and Edge was already winning his first championship, the WWF Intercontinental Championship.

This quick success in the industry led to Edge forming a tag team partnership with Christian, and the two young men would go on to win the World Tag Team Championship on seven separate occasions.

Edge's solo career however would prove to be even more successful than his partnership with Christian.


Edge currently holds the record for the second most championships in WWE history with an impressive total of 31.

Included in his 31 championships is a record-breaking seven Heavyweight World Championships, four WWE Championships and five Intercontinental Championships.

Not bad going for a young man from Toronto who started with nothing but a dream, a hard-working attitude and a small piece of advice from Bret Hart.